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Pectus Carinatum Causes

Pectus Carinatum (PC), commonly known as “pigeon chest”, gives a bowed OR KEEL LIKE appearance to the rib cage. This condition is also referred to as “chicken breast” or Sternal Kyphosis and is due to abnormal development of rib cage cartilage. While an exact cause of this deformity is not clear, it is known that the condition can be an inherited trait, so genetics may be a risk factor for developing Pectus Carinatum. Causes other than genetics may be why this condition has been identified in as many as 76 medical syndromes that feature Pectus Carinatum as a symptom. These syndromes include Scoliosis, Marfan’s Syndrome, and Asthma.


Connective tissue diseases can contribute to Pectus Carinatum causes as well. These formations occur more frequently in young males, than females (4:1), and USUALLY develop on AT  the onset of puberty, between the AGES OF 11-14 years. As previously mentioned, heredity also contributes to this condition with a genetic predisposition traced to 25-40% of identified cases of PC. The two most common types of PC are Chonodrogladiolar where the middle and lower sternum protrude, and Chondromanubrial, where the manubrium and upper sternum protrude.


Regardless of the Pectus Carinatum causes, and its associated medical syndromes, there is another far more debilitating aspect of PC- its psychological impacts. The condition evolves at a vulnerable time for many sufferers, their early adolescent years. Self-conscious about their visible condition, many feel shame, are ridiculed by their peers, experience a loss of self-esteem, all of which can contribute to future psychosocial behavior as they mature.


Pectus Carinatum causes and consequences influenced the development of Carbon Based’s P4CO product line. Each brace is custom made for each child, comfortable due to its carbon fiber construction and self tensioning suspension strap, discreet due to its low profile and lack of ratchet buckles. Additionally, the modular construction of the P4CO product line of orthoses allows the orthotist to easily and rapidly perform adjustments for correction and comfort.